Nom/Name: Paul Jaskot (President 2020-2024)
Institution: Duke University
Adresse postale/Postal address: Art, Art History & Visual Studies Department, Duke University, Smith Warehouse, Box 90766, 114 S. Buchanan Blvd. Durham, NC 27708
Téléphone/Phone number: (919) 613-6708
Email address:
Spécialité scientifique/Field of research: Modern Art And Architecture, Nazi Art And Architecture, Chicago Architecture And Urban Planning And Art Historical Methodology
Recherches en cours/Current research: Book Length Project On: The Construction Industry In Germany, From World War I Through World War Ii; Digital Mapping And Art History; The Analysis Of Architecture Through Testimony Of Forced Labor Survivors Of Nazi Germany; Chicago Architecture And Politics During The Cold War.
Nom/Name: Anne Collins Goodyear (Vice-President 2020-2024)
Institution: Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Adresse postale/Postal address: 255 Maine St, Brunswick, ME 04011
Téléphone/Phone number: (207) 798-4352
Email address:
Spécialité scientifique/field of research: Modern and contemporary American art and portraiture
Recherches en cours/Current research: Digital art, American art and portraiture
Nom/Name: Suzanne P. Blier (Secretary)
Institution: Harvard University
Adresse postale/Postal address: Sackler Museum, 485 Broadway Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Téléphone/Phone number: (617) 495-0781
Email address:
Spécialité scientifique/Field of research: African art and architecture
Recherches en cours/Current research: 1325: How Medieval Africa Made the World Modern (Yale University Press 2021) and Picasso’s Demoiselles: The True Origins of a Modern Art Masterpiece (Duke University Press 2019)
Nom/Name: Jesús Escobar (Treasurer)
Institution: Northwestern University
Adresse postale/Postal address: Department of Art History, 1880 Campus Drive, Kresge 4321, Evanston, IL 60208
Téléphone/Phone number:
Email address:
Spécialité scientifique/Field of research: Architecture and urbanism in the Spanish Habsburg world, Baroque visual culture, early modern cartography
Recherches en cours/Current research: Recent and ongoing publication projects consider the monastery-palace of El Escorial, a spectacular seventeenth-century map of Madrid, transatlantic Renaissance and Baroque religious architecture in the Spanish Empire, and the historiography of seventeenth-century architecture in Spain.