
Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art
International Committee for Art History 

(Unanimously approuved by the Beijing General Assembly - 09/15/2016) 



The Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art/International Committee for Art History (CIHA) has as its aims:

1. To develop the study of art, visual culture, and material culture in all their diversity across history and across the world. 

2. To facilitate and foster networks between art historians of all countries. 

3. To hold or give support to international meetings of art historians as defined below:

a) The Congrès mondial d'histoire de l'art/The CIHA World Congresses are held every four years. They are convened by a designated country/countries, and are organised under the aegis of the CIHA National Committee(s) of the country/countries in which they are held, and under the authority of CIHA. Individuals of all nationalities may participate in CIHA events.

b) International Colloquia may be proposed to the CIHA Bureau and given the authority of CIHA if their proposed programs are approved by the CIHA Bureau and meet the standard requirements of CIHA Colloquia.

4. To develop and coordinate the dissemination of information about research undertaken by CIHA. To advocate on behalf of disciplinary, vocational and cultural heritage concerns of relevance to art historians worldwide.

5. To disseminate information and publicity about art historical activities worldwide: conferences, publications, research projects, etc.

6. To study means of improving methods of teaching and research, and of increasing the research resources available to art historians: databases, bibliographies, photographic and iconographical documentation, etc.

7. To support the principles of international cooperation as defined by CIPSH. 




1. The ultimate authority for CIHA is constituted by the General Assembly.

2. The Bureau is the executive committee of the organization, elected by the General Assembly. 




1. CIHA is composed of Titular Members and Supplementary Members. 

2. Each member country is represented by one or more Titular Members and/or Supplementary Members. Their number is fixed by the CIHA. 

3. Nominations for the CIHA are proposed by National Committees and presented to the Bureau, which submits them to the CIHA at a General Assembly. When an objection is presented by one or more members, the General Assembly accepts or rejects the objection by simple majority in a secret ballot.

4. Nominations for membership must be received by the CIHA Secretary not later than three months preceding a meeting of a General Assembly.

5. Titular Members of CIHA are normally elected for a maximum of two terms (a term is the interval between one CIHA Congress and the next, normally four years). A Titular Member who is elected to the Bureau may serve a third term. The total number of terms served in any capacity shall not exceed three. 

6. A former Titular Member or Supplementary Member shall be eligible for re-election to CIHA after a period of two terms has elapsed since the end of his/her previous membership of CIHA. 

7. Supplementary Members may attend and participate in meetings of the General Assembly. Supplementary members do not have the right to vote except as a certified proxy for an absent Titular Member from the same country. 

8. Membership of the CIHA is terminated: 

a) by resignation 
b) by the Member reaching the end of his or her period of membership 
c) by expulsion, with a two thirds majority of votes cast in secret ballot at a General Assembly. 

9. No Member shall continue to serve on the CIHA after the Congress following his or her professional retirement. 

10. Applications for membership of countries not represented on CIHA, and for enlargement of the delegations of countries already represented, shall be decided by the General Assembly, and notified to the Secretary six months before such a meeting. 

11. CIHA may elect Honorary Members. Proposals for election should be presented to the General Assembly, duly proposed by at least five Titular Members. 

12. Three elected representatives of the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art (RIHA) shall be non-voting members of the General Assembly. 




1. The Bureau is the executive committee of ClHA. 

2. The Bureau is composed of the President and a number of Vice-Presidents. 

3. At each Congress, the Bureau is elected at a General Assembly to hold office for the term until the next Congress. 

4. Bureau members shall serve on the Bureau for a maximum of two terms, except in circumstances where the Convenor of Congress has served close to two terms, the Convenor may serve an additional term as President. 

5. Membership of the Bureau shall be composed of between nine and twelve members, with no more than one from any country. The composition of the Bureau should reflect the global character of art history and allied disciplines. 

6. Members of the Bureau shall be elected at meetings of the General Assembly in accordance with Article IV. 5. Any Titular Member may stand for election if nominated by two other voting Members. The Bureau could co-opt a non-voting member to the Bureau, which should be ratified at the next meeting of the General Assembly.  

7. All nominations for election to the Bureau shall be submitted to the Secretary at least six months before the General Assembly. Nominations will be circulated, with a brief résumé of the candidate, to the General Assembly, three months before it meets.

8. In case of vacancies on the Bureau arising between meetings of the General Assembly, the Bureau may co-opt a maximum of three members, to serve until the next General Assembly, when they will be eligible for election as defined in Article IV. 4, 5 and 6. 

9.During the preparation of a CIHA Congress, the Convener of the organizing committee shall be co-opted to the Bureau. 

10. The Presidency of CIHA shall be held for one term. The President will be proposed by the National Committee(s) that organised the Congress. 

11. The President or a delegated Bureau member will represent CIHA in external relations including CIPSH at UNESCO. 

12.The President will convene regular meetings of the Bureau, no less than one per calendar year. Meetings may also be convened upon the written request of three members of the Bureau. 

13. If the President is unable to serve, the Bureau shall designate one of its members as Acting President for the duration of the President's inability to act or until the next General Assembly.

14. The Bureau shall elect a Treasurer and a Secretary. They are members of the Bureau

15. The Treasurer is responsible for the administration of the financial resources of CIHA including subscriptions, and making payments in accordance with the policy relating to expenditure.  The accounts shall be presented at every meeting of the General Assembly, after examination by independent public accountants.

16. The Secretary draws up the agendas and minutes of CIHA and prepares reports on its activities. 

17. The decisions of the Bureau are taken by a simple majority. In the case of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote. 

18. The quorum for Bureau meetings shall be a minimum of six. 




1. The General Assembly is composed of the members of CIHA. Titular members are the voting members except as stipulated in Article III. 7. 

2. The General Assembly has executive powers over all questions concerning the functioning of CIHA and the accomplishment of its aims. 

3. The General Assembly meets at every CIHA Congress and at least once in the interval between Congresses. 

4. The quorum is constituted by the number of voting members present. 

5. Extraordinary sessions may be held on the initiative of the President, with the approval of the Bureau, or on the written request of at least one fifth of the Titular Members of CIHA.

6. Decisions of the General Assembly, apart from the exceptions mentioned in these Statutes, are taken on a simple majority of votes cast.

7. The agenda of meetings of the General Assembly is prepared by the Bureau and sent to members at least two months before the meeting of the General Assembly (or one month in the case of extraordinary sessions). 

8. Matters not on the agenda may not be considered without the consent of at least two thirds of members present at the meeting.

9. The General Assembly may create special commissions and nominate their members. The heads of these commissions may be co-opted to serve (in a non-voting capacity) on, or report to the Bureau. 

10. Representatives of other organizations may be invited to attend meetings of the General Assembly in a non-voting capacity. 




1. . National Committees should comprise individuals working in all fields of history of art.

2. National Committees fix their Statutes and their composition in consultation with CIHA. CIHA must be notified of any changes to their Statutes. CIHA encourages National Committees, where possible, to seek links between themselves and other national associations of art historians. 

3. National Committees should meet at least once per calendar year. 

4.National Committees are responsible for the nomination of national representatives to serve as Titular and Supplementary members of CIHA. 

5. National Committees shall collaborate in the organization of CIHA Congresses and Colloquia in their country, and in the other scholarly enterprises of CIHA. 




1. CIHA is incorporated in Switzerland. CIHA adopts the legal form of an international scholarly association in the sense of Article 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code. 

2. National Committees are responsible for paying annual subscriptions as fixed by the General Assembly. Subscriptions are due annually on 1 January. 

3. Non-payment of the subscription without furnishing reasons that are acceptable to the Bureau shall be taken as implying resignation from CIHA. The Bureau shall determine the circumstances in which the subscription may be waived. 




The language used for CIHA activities should reflect and promote national and international diversity, exchange and understanding. 







1. The decision to dissolve CIHA shall be taken by the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority. 

2. In case of dissolution, the General Assembly shall nominate three liquidators of different countries. 

3. In such circumstances the assets of CIHA shall be passed to scholarly associations designated by the General Assembly.




The detailed application of the present Statutes is established by internal regulations prepared by the Bureau and approved by the General Assembly.




1. The present Statutes shall become effective on September 15, 2016, having been ratified by the General Assembly on that date.

2. The Statutes may be amended by the General Assembly at CIHA Congress with a two-thirds majority. 



The present English text shall have legal status for the interpretation of the Statutes.