Nom/Name: Prof. Dr. Andreas BEYER
Institution: Universität Basel, Kunsthistorisches Seminar
Adresse postale/Postal Address: Sankt Alban-Graben 8, CH-4051 Basel, Switzerland
Téléphone/Phone number: +49 175 644 78 04
E-mail address:
Spécialité scientifique/Field of research: Early modern art history
Recherches en cours/Current research: Benvenuto Cellini and the "Künstlergeschichte"; the Artist's "Self".
Nom/Name: Prof. Dr. Henri DE RIEDMATTEN
Institution: Université de Genève, Unité d'histoire de l'art
Adresse postale/Postal Address: Avenue Jules Crosnier 10, 1206 Genève, Switzerland
Téléphone/Phone number: +41 22 379 73 95
E-mail address:
Spécialité scientifique/Field of research: Early Modern Art History
Recherches en cours/Current research: His current research is devoted to issues of iconoclasm and restoration as well as animal representation in early modern art.
Nom/Name: Prof. Dr. Noémie ETIENNE
Institution: Universität Wien, Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Adresse postale/Postal Address: 14-16 Kolingasse, AT-1090 Wien, Austria
Téléphone/Phone number: +43 1 4277 41401
E-mail address:
Spécialité scientifique/Field of research: Early Modern Art and Material Culture; Heritage and Museum Studies; Conservation; Dioramas and Displays
Recherches en cours/Current research: ERC Project "Global Conservation: History and Theories" (17th-21st centuries)
Nom/Name: Prof. Dr. Marie Theres STAUFFER
Institution: Université de Genève, Unité d'histoire de l'art
Adresse postale/Postal Address: 5 rue de Candolle, CH-1211 Genève 4, Switzerland
Téléphone/Phone number: +41 22 379 73 95
E-mail address:
Spécialité scientifique/Field of research: the history and theory of early modern and modern architecture; art and science; interdependence and divergence of theory and practice
Recherches en cours/Current research: the concept of space; catoptrics; material and surface; architecture as an ambiguous means of expression.