CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS - Terms: CIHA Journal of Art History, Vol. 2

Terms: CIHA Journal of Art History, Vol. 2

Terms of Dialogue

Editorial team: Thierry Dufrêne, Peter J. Schneemann


The first issue of the new CIHA journal “Terms” has been printed. It collects and discusses a contemporary vocabulary for the paradigm of “Engagement”. “Terms of Engagement” has already been published by the World Arthistory Institute (WAI) at Shanghai International Studies University and will be available on the website of the University of Heidelberg. The editorial board of the international journal that explores issues of global art history for the future invites contributions for the second issue, “Terms of Dialogue”.

In line with the journal's overall concept, we invite proposals that explore terms that further the practice of collaboration. Whether you pick old terms or suggest new keywords, we are interested in innovative discussions that range from artistic practice and curatorial strategies to formats of art history writing.

The journal strives for true diversity in art history, born from the renewal of the historically charged organization CIHA, a podium for the global art history community. We want to encourage reflections on art history as a social practice relevant to the world. We are open to various speculative essay-formats, from conversations to collaborations, dialogues or sketches, translations, appropriations, and even misunderstandings.

We welcome short articles, maximum 15,000 characters, thus leading to a kind of living dictionary of our discipline. Please send a 150-word abstract and a 150-word biography to and by April 15th. Completed manuscripts are due June 15th, 2023. Submissions should be handed in electronically and will be peer-reviewed. All manuscripts should be in US English and follow the Chicago style sheet (17th edition). We encourage fully-illustrated submissions; however, it is the author's responsibility to both provide the images and secure permission to reproduce them (3 illustrations maximum).


As inspiration, we offer a handful of possible terms or keywords. We are open to terms and keywords not listed below:

- Outreach
- Citizen Science
- Speaking and listening
- Forum
- Parliament of Bodies
- Beyond education
- Conversation (Pieces)
- Debate
- Conflict
- Appropriation
- Quotation
- Parliament of Forms
- Theatre of Speech
- Double talent
- Performing duality
- Artist/Art Historian (the Döppelganger)
- Dialog with non-humans (entities)