
Nom/Name: Gabriela Silvana SIRACUSANO
Poste/Position: Professor, art history and theory
Institution: Centro de Investigación en Arte, Materia y Cultura (IIAC-UNTREF)
Adresse postale/Postal Address: Sede Hotel de los Inmigrantes. Av. Antártida Argentina 1355 (1104) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Téléphone/Phone number: +54 11 48930625
E-mail address:
Spécialité scientifique/Field of research: Historia del arte colonial. arte, ciencia y teconologia. (COLONIAL ART // MATERIALS // CHANGES)
Recherches en cours/Current research: From ruins to fragments. The material dimension of the Colonial artistic production (16th to beginning of 19th centuries)
Nom/Name: Dr. Mariana Marchesi
Poste/Position: Artistic Director of the National Museum of Fine Arts in Argentina, President of CAIA
Institution: Argentine Center for Art Researchers
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